


Northgate Instrumental Music Boosters (NIMB)



Come join our Jazz bands for a musical treat in our second fall concert!

Thursday October 3rd 7pm Northgate's Jazz Band I and II will be performing in the Little Theater.

Tickets available in the web store now.

$5 Student, $10 Adults, $20 Family.

Come and join us for the first of our upcoming fall concerts! Tickets can be purchased now in the web store.

Tuesday October 1st 7pm our Symphonic Winds and Orchestra, and Concert Band will be performing in the Little Theater.

$5 Student, $10 Adults, $20 Family.

Come see Northgate Marching Band and Auxiliary perform at the Battle of the Bands, this Saturday, Sept. 21st, 5pm, at Concord High. 

Tickets are $5 at the door. Guests who bring a can of food get $2 off their admission. Donations go the Contra Costa/Solano Food Bank.


Northgate's Marching Band and Auxiliary joined forces with several other high-schools to perform alongside the Cal Band for a K-pop themed half-time show. Our musicians had a great time practicing with their collegiate counterparts, touring the campus, and learning more about life as a Berkeley band member, before taking center stage as part of a 1200 person ensemble.

Go Bears, Go Broncos.

If you didn't make it to the NIMB All-Parents Mandatory Meeting this week, please note that your classroom contribution is what makes all of Northgate Instrumental Music festivals, clinicians, instrument repair, transportation and all the extras that NIMB provides to this program happen! These are not things that are provided by MDUSD! And if you make your classroom contribution by Sunday, August 25th, you will automatically be entered in a raffle for a $150 Target gift card to help cover all those back-to-school shopping trips! Make your contribution today, and help support this amazing program!
